Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's Our cycle

Overall I was really pleased with the chapter "The Singing School" however I had to re-read parts of the chapter over again… but in saying so I found I really enjoyed creating my own perspective on Frye’s work. Frye goes on throughout the chapter about the old linking to the new and I tend to strongly agree. For me I believe everything is a cycle with our imagination ...somehow and someway
We can re-create or adjust the old by being cautious or even simply being oblivious.
In simpler terms:
The old effects the present
As does the present to the future…
I always find myself thinking of new and possible understandings after reading his work… but I believe that’s the point
Our imagination is based on whom and what surrounds us and it’s simply endless
..Like a cycle.


  1. i agree with you katya. everything in life comes back again. for example fashion and art, and also in literature. authors are contantly taking older stories and reworking them to fit a modern day setting.

  2. I love your writing "voice"---great posts.


"The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion."
G. K. Chesterton

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