Sunday, September 12, 2010

Assignment 1

In my opinion the quote, "one person by himself is not a complete human being," conveys that Frye meant behind every person are other people in which helped the individual to become the true human being that he or she is. I completely agree with this statement because if we take a look at a big corportation such as Apple; we see that engineers together bond to form and modify an idea to make it better. We see that they need other people's opinions to know what the average individual would expect from a new device. In summary the ideal meaning for the statement is that without human to human interactions and brainstorming one person by himself is not able to achieve as much, opposed to a group of individuals.


  1. i totally agree, look at all the different companies that produce the same thing. If every single person individually came up with those ideas separately id be shocked.

  2. i agree with stevens point. if everyone in appple were to create the "best new product" they would proably end up with a whole bunch of only okay products instead of combining their ideas to make one really good one.


"The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion."
G. K. Chesterton

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