Saturday, December 4, 2010

Imagination - The workshop of the mind

"The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man. The impulse, the desire, is given shape, form, and action through the aid of the imaginative faculty of the mind."

I believe that a key factor to success in life is the ability to develop and use the imagination; which is why I found this chapter more interesting than others. Hill believes that desire, while very important, is only "... a thought, [or] an impulse." so the desire must be "...transformed into its physical counterpart." - the imagination. Imagination brings ideas and with these ideas comes the beginnings of all fortunes; ideas spark impulsive thought and action which is a product of the imagination.

"Ideas are intangible forces, but they have no more power than the physical brains that give birth to them. They have the power to live on, after the brain that creates them has returned to dust."

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