Monday, November 22, 2010

The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference is an interesting book that includes various thoughts and ideas on actions and choices that have occurred throughout time that have proved that a small act of any kind can make a big difference. The author, Malcolm Gladwell, portrays his ideas and facts in a knowledgeable way that is also very understandable to all readers through the use of various techniques. The organization of the book gives readers a greater understanding of how Gladwell wants to explain each idea. This allows the reader to have a better comprehension of how everything corresponds with one another. Repetition is consistent within the book as Gladwell repeats his points several times in a variety of ways in order to relate to each reader individually.

Gladwell also gives a brief introduction on the topic that he is about to address, explains a couple of details and then expands on them in a separate chapter dedicated to that idea. The first couple of chapters allow readers to see that the author likes to support his information with a lot of evidence. The writer has a great deal of knowledge in the topics that are being discussed due to the fact that Gladwell has evidence to support each argument. Gladwell says, “Big changes follow from small events” (Gladwell 11), this is interesting as he has evidence to back up that quote with the Hush Puppies phenomena where the shoes became quite popular due to the fact that young “hipsters” wore them because no one else would. The author also likes to tell the readers where he gets his information from due to the fact that he gives us a brief explanation of where the term “the tipping point” was first introduced.

References to social, political, environmental, health and fashion matters are made by the author. We can also tell that he has researched a lot due to the fact that he has found quotes that people have said before regarding an event but also provides evidence for his explanations. Gladwell is an intelligent author who has a general knowledge of various topics due to the fact that he observes different possibilities and then analyzes them accordingly. There is so much knowledge in the first couple of chapters that gives readers a grasp of the world around them.

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